16. Januar 2017

#HassHilft beim TEDx in München

Fabian Wichmann works for the ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur gGmbH in Berlin. There he gives exit support as a member of the EXIT Germany team and is responsible for social media management. He is also the author of several publications and studies on the topics of right-wing extremism and threats to democracy and the initiator of the award-winning initiatives Rechts gegen Rechts and #HassHilft.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

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ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur gGmbH
Commerzbank Berlin
IBAN: DE20 1008 0000 0906 4527 01
Spendenzweck (Bitte eintragen): Spende HassHilft

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